Vapor Barrier Won't Stop Bad Breath


vapor barrierA vapor barrier isn’t what you use to keep smells on one side of your house, though it may work. The purpose of vapor barrier is for preventing insulation from getting wet. Think back to old movies or even personal experience sitting for a long time with a friend in a car on a cold night. Steamy memories, right? That’s what happens in your house every time you breathe. Now add in doing the dishes by hand or with a dishwasher. Showers, laundry, and much more add water to your indoor environment. Paint prevents some of this from going into your drywall, but some still goes through. When moisture goes through, it wets your insulation. When it get wet it gets compacted and then isn’t able to do its job. Air between the insulation fibers is what keeps things warm.

Call a roofer who has a thermal imaging camera, and ask them to bring it with them. When you see what it has to show you, you may be amazed. If you are inside, any place where the insulation has gotten wet, it will show up as blue in the winter because it’s allowing cooler air to come through. Looking at your house from the outside, it may show up as a warmer color because it is allowing heat to escape.

If they do a roof repair for you, have them check your insulation. If you don’t already have it, have them install a vapor barrier to protect your insulation.

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