The Heartbreak of Black Mold


moisture and black moldOkay, so maybe black mold won’t break your heart like psoriasis but if you have it in your home, it should sound your health alarm bells all the same. Home owners need to check for the most obvious causes of this toxic stuff since it not only looks ugly and smells worse but it produces volatile organic compounds which attack the central nervous system. Symptoms of this attack can be painful and chronic sinus conditions, headaches, dizziness and difficulty concentrating.


High humidity and poor air circulation are big culprits when it comes to producing ideal growing conditions for black mold on walls and ceilings. One major way moisture gets into a house is through leaking roofs and attics. If you have good air circulation yet still experience black mold on your upper floors, a roofing inspection followed up with the necessary roof repair should be number one on your To Do list.


Besides checking the roof and attic, your roofing inspector should include checking the roof gutters for blockage. Your blocked sinuses just may mean you have blocked gutters where black mold is concerned!


And whenever a major storm or hurricane tears through your part of the world, a follow-up roof inspection is a must for your own and your family’s peace of mind.


Think of your local roofing company as an important part of your preventative medicine health care regimen! So If your roof is leaking and black mold has started in the attic with the resultant spreading into the ceiling and upper walls, you’ll breathe easier and healthier knowing that you’ve taken the correct steps in protecting yourself and your family.


Steven Briesemeister 

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