Barrel Tile Roofing Material


barrel tileBarrel Tile is a type of clay tile popular in homes in the southwest or with a Spanish flavor. This style of roof often attracts people from other neighborhoods to come out and admire them, like a family tradition of driving around during the holidays, sipping hot cocoa, eating special treats and enjoying all the creative and festive lights. These clay tiles are rounded, like a barrel. They are popular around the world in countries and regions that use clay for building and have for centuries. Durable and attractive, clay tile roofs provide a long lasting roofing material.

Installing clay tile requires the expertise of the roofer who has experience in this particular type of roofing material. He will know whether to nail them on to pieces of wood called battens, nail them directly to the roof board itself, or use a type of mortar to secure them. The first step of installing clay tile, before you cover everything up, is to make sure that all the flashing for your chimneys, roof vents, skylights, corners and roof joins is installed and sealed.

Then you can lay down the thick protective layer of 43lb roofing felt. It is important to roll it out in one continuous piece and then overlap each subsequent row by seven inches. Straight lines that make even rows are really important to maintain the proper measurements necessary for laying the tile. Lay down chalk lines to guide you for both the horizontal and the vertical pattern. Now all you need to do is carefully hammer the copper nails in the little premade holes in each barrel tile.

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