Asphalt Roofing Shingles and My Flooded Basement


flooded basement vaBasements don’t always flood for the right reason, if this makes any sense, since your asphalt roofing shingles could be a fault. We had a client with a chronic flooding problem in his basement that defied his preventative efforts for a whole year. The issue would have been solved if he had called us out for roof repair the first time it happened.


The gentleman’s home is located in a low-lying area where water tended to collect. He assumed it was the fault of the terrain he had an inch or more of water in one section of the basement every time it rained. He went to a lot of trouble and expense to fix it. He had crew come in and totally dig up the earth around the outside of the house. They coated the foundation with a waterproof sealant and surrounded it with drainage tiles to take the water away into an adjoining field. When they replaced the earth around the house they built up a slope away from the exterior walls to encourage the water to run away.

This job took about 3 weeks to complete and cost a few thousand dollars. The next time it rained hard, to his dismay the basement flooded again. This time a neighbor pointed out it might be his roof. We went out to inspect his asphalt roofing shingles and several of them along the edge of the roof cracked from exposure to the water in clogged gutters. The exterior walls were concrete block. Every time it rained, water was seeing through the shingles and running through the center of the blocks all the way to the basement. Once we replaced the shingles, the home owner’s basement floods miraculously went away.

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