Ladder Safety Tips from a DIY Homeowner


Homeowner ladder safetyLadder safety is personal to everyone who has ever fallen off one, whether a footstool or a 40 foot extension ladder. Personal as in experience. Those who have a fear of heights are better prepared for ladder safety issues than the fearless homeowner who has never had a broken short step ladder collapse underneath them and the hammer they were using landing claw down. That concussion took weeks to resolve and all my neighbor was doing was standing on a three-step stool fixing a light.

One of the first tips you learn at your mother’s knee is to never walk underneath a ladder. That means, when your husband is working on the roof repair you have nagged him about for months and he is occupying the walkway, tell the kids to stay away from that side of the house because Daddy is working on the roof. This provides for the safety of both your husband and your children; the children won’t stumble against the ladder and knock him down, and Daddy won’t hurt the kids when he drops his tools.

The next safety precaution is to never, and yes that is never, go up on a ladder without securing it first and letting a neighbor know that you are working on your roof. Have a family member or friend park himself on the bottom wrung, hold the ladder up high and lean. Nor a skilled job but can reduce the hospital bills. The wind may catch and catapult you, a slight shift or your weight at just the right moment can imbalance you, and reaching too far can make you come down real fast. Seriously consider these ladder safety tips.

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