Drywall Repair is All Your Roof's Fault

by Roofer911.com

drywall repairOk, you might need drywall repair if you have someone with anger management issues. Or maybe you have over-active kids who now experience internet success with a video of them catapulting off the sofa into the wall. But the usual reason for wall repair is…drip, drip, drip…your roof leaked. That ugly brown stain on the ceiling or wall began above that, when water sneaked in. Shingles might be old, worn, or even may have blown off in a storm. If the brown marks come in the winter and are on an outside wall, an ice dam may be the culprit.


Call up a roofing contractor to check what’s happening. Knowing what is to blame doesn’t fix it, nor does painting over the brown stain with a stain killer. Get roof repair done first so more rains won’t damage any repairs.

If your contractor has a thermal imaging camera, it can see water damage even if it’s all dried up. It’s like magic! Water damage shows blue on the screen, and your contractor uses that to know how much drywall to remove. He is removing potential sources of mold and mildew that could be damaging to your family’s health. Allergic reactions, asthma, respiratory complaints, short-term irritation, immunosuppression, cancer, even death can result from reactions to mold and mildew. Now that you are sufficiently concerned, just do it. The contractor replaces all affected drywall, tapes the seams, and puts drywall compound over that, smoothly blending the drywall repair into the surrounding wall.

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