Bird Nest Roofs

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bird nestBird nest soup is a really popular gourmet delicacy in China but birds nesting on your roof? Not so popular. The little baby birds are really cute to watch as they transform from eggs to hatchlings to babies stretching their wings and taking on life. Momma bird’s dedication while building the nest and Dad’s fierce protection as she gathers food for the chicks is just like watching a nature program on Discovery Channel, but your roofer may not feel quite as warm and fuzzy about it as you.

There are a few issues that arise out of birds nesting on your roof. A really obvious one is the amount of twigs, feathers and feces that ends up polluting your environment. It doesn’t just land on your porch railing or your front step, the birdy bits and pieces end up everywhere; in your price rose bushes, your pond, your dog’s food bowl.

Then there is the issue of all types of predators being attracted to the yummy snacks. Hawks and owls are one thing, but when you live closer to the mountains, there is more than just the next-door neighbor’s tabby cat to worry about. Pumas, mountain lions and any other hungry four-footed friend is looking for an invitation for a cordial meal on you so then you have the opportunity for lots of activity up there on that roof of yours. Before evicting them, call your local roofing company first and avoid a roof replacement job by having the experts go up, do a roof inspection and remove every single unwanted bird nest.

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1 Responses to "Bird Nest Roofs"

Ottawa Roof Inspections says:
January 4, 2012 at 4:45 PM

By law if there are eggs in the nest you can not tamper with the nest. You can relocate it to a safer location but you can not distroy a happy home.

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