Green Ways to Insulate Your Roof

By: Jessica Ackerman 

Cellulose Fiber Insulation

Slightly higher in cost, but much safer for your breathing and the environment, is cellulose fiber insulation. Made from recycled newspapers and other paper products, this product comes in sheets or can be sprayed on to the rafters. It is treated with special chemicals to make it a highly insulating and flame retardant material. Manufacturers know that the use of paper makes homeowners wary when it comes to fire safety and insulation, so they take great care in making their products extremely fire resistant. In the case of a roof fire, this recycled material can then help slow down the rate of the fire and protect the home. Other benefits, besides its excellent insulating ability, are that it acts as a sound barrier and is also treated to be vermin proof, so there will be no more mice nesting among the sheets of batting in the attic.

Bye-Bye Blue Jeans

Have you ever wondered what happens to all of those old blue jeans? Well, green roofing insulation companies have discovered that they can be used to insulate roofs: That’s right, blue jean insulation! Just like recycled cellulose fiber insulation, rolls of denim and cotton insulation are treated to be highly fire resistant and to repel mice and other insects. This type of roofing insulation is highly effective, as it provides excellent roof and sound insulation. One advantage that denim has over recycled cellulose fiber insulation, is that it is much easier to install and handle. Unlike fiberglass batting or the potential mess of blown cellulose fiber insulation, denim insulation is soft and non-irritating. For those installing insulation in a large home, this benefit is especially appreciated.

Sheep's Wool

By far the most expensive roof insulating product available on the market, pure sheep's wool is one of the best insulators that can be bought. Since it is naturally occurring, it is a sustainable resource and one that provides excellent insulation. Think about a wool sweater and how it naturally wicks moisture and insulates the body. Wool roof insulation works the same way. It is naturally fire retardant, already binded together and a superior insulator. If installing wool insulation, however, be sure to wear a breathing mask and gloves, as the natural lanolin and chemical coating on the material can irritate your breathing. If money is not a factor, splurge for the best, natural roof insulation product available. It is not only an environmentally friendly option, but it is also a great way to conserve energy naturally.

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