Leaky Roof and When to Call a Professional

By: Alyssa Davis 

The wind and rain are storming outside your window and you are thankful that your roof is keeping you dry.  Then suddenly, you start to hear to faint sound of a drip; one small drop, quickly followed by another in an even and consistent rhythm.  It is the sound of a leaky roof, one of the most dreaded sounds any homeowner can ever hear.  Determining whether or not the leak requires the help of a professional roofer is one of the most anxiety ridden decisions a homeowner can make.  The tips below will help steer you in the right direction when making that decision.

Where Is It?
First, determine where the roof is leaking from.  Is it around a fan or skylight?  Is it from the crest of the home's high and pointed roof?  Knowing where the leak is coming from is the first step.  Knowing if you can easily get to the spot is the second step.  For low porch roofs or other areas that will not require large extension ladders, the odds of being able to effectively reach and evaluate the leaking area are good.  If the leak is coming from a steeply angled section of the roof, it is best to call a professional.  Not only are they more comfortable climbing on such angles, but they also have the proper safety equipment and tools to make the job safer.  There is no need to turn a leaking roof into an emergency room visit, simply out of pride or stubbornness about not calling a professional roofer.

Simple Fixes
Once you have determined that the roof leak is coming from an area that you can safely and easily reach, it is time to evaluate the problem.  There are many simple roof repairs that you can do yourself, but be prepared to call in the professionals if you feel that the task is beyond you.  One of the most common issues is that seams need to be re-caulked.  This is especially true around flashing and areas where previous homeowners decided to install the roof themselves.  It is a good idea to keep a tube of all-weather roof patch caulking on hand just in case you need it.  For simple seam repairs, just apply the caulking or patch per the manufacturer's directions.  While many patch products indicate that they can be applied even in the rain, if you can avoid climbing on your room during a storm, you are likely to get much better and safer results.

Not So Simple Problems
There are some obvious times when a professional needs to be called in.  A branch that has broken through the roof is a sure case when your do it yourself skills will not nearly be enough to repair the problem.  In cases like that, cover the area as best you can with a tarp to keep the elements out.  Other problems, such as blown off or severely damaged shingles should also be a sign that a professional is the best person for the job.  The cost of having a professional do it is much less than the cost of risking your life trying to repair the problem and then finding out that the repair was not adequate to take care of the issue.

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