Pages about: roofing contractor

10 Tips To Hiring Roofing Contractors In Alabama

Verify with Alabama Consumer Affairs that the roofing contractor is licensed and insist on seeing a copy of there liability and workers compensation insurance policy.

3 Things to Do Immediately After Detecting a Roof Leak

After the first sounds of water dripping into the house interrupt your peace of mind and confidence in your roof's ability to keep you dry, there are three important things that you should do.

7 Tips To Hiring Arizona Roofing Contractors

The roofing contractors in places such as Arizona are reputable. Yet people do regularly come up with incidents where they were misled and ...

A Roofer's Portfolio -

Just showing their license to you isn't enough, you should verify they are licensed and up-to-date on all his paperwork by calling your states contractor's license board or visiting their website.

Buying a new roof, and getting your money's worth

A Home Owner's Guide to Buying a New Roof. Courtesy of the National Roofing Contractors Association. NRCA

Choosing a Roofing Contractor

Some people would say choosing a good roofing contractor is the single most important decision you will be faced. I happen to agree and will try to provide you with some helpful tips.

Commercial Roofing: Protecting Your Business Investment

There are several types of commercial roofing materials available on the market. Choosing the right type of commercial roofing material will depend upon your location.

Finding The Right Colorado Roofing Contractor

A thorough research on the roofing contractors in Colorado, and their respective track records is a must before you strike a deal for your roofing project. Their roofing business' past and prospective

How to Hire A Good California Roofing Contractor

Get plenty of referrals and recommendations and make a choice based on the wide array of California roofing contractors' names in front of you.

Professional Roofers -

Many people are scammed every year by so-called professional roofers offering inexpensive services. These fly-by-night contractors are nothing more than con-artists ripping people off.

Protect Your Investment: Find a Qualified Roofer

If it sounds too good to be true; usually it is. Just ask anyone who's had to deal with a roofer knocking on their door and claiming to be able to save them thousands of dollars.

Roof Repair Contractors - Are They Qualified?

Can he be trusted? Is the roofing contractor qualified enough to suggest the replacement or repair of the roof? If you are plagued by these questions, then read on.

Roofing Insurance Claims for Storm Damage

When purchasing insurance, it is always advisable to check with your insurance agent about your policy's coverage as it relates to roofing insurance claims storm damage.

Ten Tips for Choosing a Roofing Contractor

Importance of looking into contractor qualifications, workmanship, past performance, and customer service before selecting a contractor. Tips for choosing a roofing contractor from Maggio Roofing.

Tips to Hiring an Alaska Roofing Contractor

Roofing contractors are hired to provide service outside as well as inside of your house, regarding the roof installation, roof replacement or roof repair of your housing.

Using a Certified Roofing Contractor - Roofer911

Using a certified roofing contractor means that you can be sure the person you use is a professional who knows exactly what to look for.

What Is A Roofing Contractor License?

How important is a roofing contractor license and is there an alternative when looking for a quality roofer?

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