Pages about: flat roof

EPDM Coatings -

EPDM is an extremely robust material, is extremely resilient to puncture or penetration, is not affected by atmospheric pollution, UV light, ozone or acid rain and does not degrade.

Green Roof System and Your Roof

You can go to your green roof whenever you want and enjoy a sound free time of leisure. Thus regardless of where you live, opting for a green roof system is worth it.

Installing Rolled Roofing the Easy Way

Installing rolled roofing no longer has to be a life-threatening experience. CCW EZRoof, a product manufactured by Carlisle, makes torching and hot-asphalt mopping a thing of the past.

Judging a Roof's Life Span Before It's Too Late

Roofing life spans vary depending on the weight of the shingle, the pitch of the roof, building location, maintenance and other factors, including which trade association you consult.

Leaky Roof - Questions and Answers

Find questions and answers about a leaky roof. Roof types, shingles, flashing, flat roofing, windows and gutters.

New Metal Roofs Add Character and Appeal to Old Homes

Today's metal roofing compared to the metal roofs found on old farm houses in the south are much more durable and hold their new-like appearance.

Proper Maintenance to Keep a Roof Looking New

Knowing what to do and how to do it safely, can be one of the biggest challenges for today's homeowners. Use the tips below to keep your roof looking new and your home staying dry.

Repairing Rolled Roofing

When repairing rolled roofing, once the damaged piece is removed, cut a piece of roofing material to match the size of the one that was removed and prepare to replace it with the new one.

Roofing for Your Porch -

Porch roofs are a great example of smaller roofs that do not get the attention or care that they need. If you need to repair, replace or put a roof on your porch, try some of the tips to get started.

School Roofing

While some schools are lucky enough to have roofs that never leak, there are others with a supply of a large paint buckets that come out every time it rains.

Should I have aluminum roof coating?

An aluminum roof coating is perfectly waterproof and because of how malleable the material is it can be bent to form the require overhang in areas that you want it.

Simple Steps for Preparing a Flat Roof for the Fall

Your flat roof will experience the temperature changes right along with you come this fall and now is the time to do some preventive maintenance to ensure that it is ready for the fall.

The Benefits of a Green Roof -

What are the benefits of a green roof and why should you even consider one? Find out here as we discuss the impact that a green roof can have on your wallet and your environment.

The Best Time of Year to Re-coat Your Roof -

The best time of year to re-coat a roof is during the warm months when rain is at a minimum. Learn the reasons behind choosing alternate times of the year for long-lasting roof repair and re-coating.

Types of Plants for a Green Roof -

If you have decided to take the leap to a green roof, it is now time to decide what plants you will be using. Explore your options here as we discuss the types of plants commonly used on green roofs.

Unique Roofs with Lighting Challenges and Solutions

Unusual roofing may be aesthetically pleasing and provide a unique look for a building, but it brings with it a whole host of lighting challenges.

Using reflective roofing materials.

If your roof collects heat without reflecting any then your home will get incredibly hot during the summer months meaning you will have to pay more for energy bills.

[Page Title] - Roofer911

The roof may be the last part of our homes that we show our guests, but it is definitely not the least part that can draw attention and beauty to the external physique of our house. Aside from being an important part of the household, our roof can also add style and elegance to our dream house.

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