Pages about: roofing tools

10 Tools Roofing Contractors Shouldn't Take for Granted

This article gives advice and tips on what types of tools they will need to provide a quality roofing job. The blog also gives reasons on why having the right tools can lead to success.

Properly Driving A Roof Nail

After properly driving a roof nail, the nail should be straight and not too far into the structure but, at the same time, not under driven either.

Replace Roof Shingle - Roofing Tools and Procedures

It is time that the broken or missing shingle on the roof are replaced. If you miss them now, you run the risk of causing further, serious damage to the structure of the house and leaking roof!

Roofing Nail Guns

Using a hammer and nail to hammer down a roof isn't practical. Take a look at the roofing nail gun options available.

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