Pages about: roof construction

Bamboo Roofing

While not commonly used in the United States for roofing purposes, bamboo has a long history of use in other parts of the world. Bamboo is one of the greenest, most sustainable materials on Earth.

Chinese Roofing Architecture

Unlike Western roofing designs, the typical Chinese roofing system allows the weight of the tile and roof to be distributed through the wooden frame and not on load bearing walls.

Concrete Shell Roofs -

It is rare to see a home with a concrete shell roof, but in commercial and military construction, concrete shell roofs are known to be excellent roofing choices. .

How many layers of roof shingles are allowed?

How many layers of roof shingles you can and should have on your roof.

Is a Thatched Roof Right for You?

Can a thatch roof provide you with the roof that you need for your home? Find out some of the pros and cons of this old style roofing material.

Roof Flashing - Questions & Answers

Questions and Answers about roof flashing such as,prefabricated chimney, chimney caps, bathroom roof vents and more.

Roof Preparation Before Installing Roof Shingles.

You should only consider installing a new roof yourself if you know what you are doing. This is a short guide on roof preparation before installing roof shingles to ensure you remember everything.

Roofing Your House Information -

The roof on your house is probably the most overlooked part of the structure of your residence. Many people do not realize they have a problem with their roof until the inevitable happens

Sheathing A Roof

Types of Sheathing Materials. Sheathing A Roof Step-by-Step. When sheathing a roof, take extra care to ensure the nail is connecting with the roof structure.

Should I have aluminum roof coating?

An aluminum roof coating is perfectly waterproof and because of how malleable the material is it can be bent to form the require overhang in areas that you want it.

Should I re-roof over old roof?

How do I determine if it is safe to re-roof over old roof? Should I re-roof over old roof?

Sports Dome Roof Construction

The next time you are watching your favorite football or baseball game, take a look at the roof of the stadium.

Ventilation For Cathedral Ceiling

Say 'Yes' To Ventilation For Cathedral Ceiling! Roof vents or a power fan would not be recommended for a cathedral ceiling home.

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