Pages about: metal roof

Cost Comparison of Roofing Shingles -

There are a lot of things to consider about the cost of the project and how it will pay off in the long run. These ideas will get you started thinking about roof repair costs and variables.

European Inspired Roofing in the United States

For the American homeowner who is looking for a roof that is more eco-friendly and also has a certain charm, European-inspired roofing is the way to go.

Making Your Modern Home Stand Out

When you have a sleek, modern home, you want to have a sleek, modern roof to match. When asphalt shingles simply will not do, it is time to think of some other options to make your home stand out.

Metal Roofing -

Metal roofing is an innovative approach to home improvement. When you think of a metal roof, you would generally think of a commercial building.

Metal Roofing - Top 5 myths dispelled!

It is fascinating how many people are totally clueless when it comes to metal roofing. Here are the top 5 myths associated with metal roofing

The Durability Of Standing Seam Metal Roofing

Maintenance of standing seam metal roofing. Traditional roofing material compared to standing seam metal roofing and much more...

The Pros and Cons of Aluminum Roofs

While aluminum is not as expensive as copper or lead roofs, it can be a bit more expensive than traditional asphalt shingles. Read more for pros and cons of aluminum roofs.

Using reflective roofing materials.

If your roof collects heat without reflecting any then your home will get incredibly hot during the summer months meaning you will have to pay more for energy bills.

What a Cool Roof!

Cool roof systems are available in many forms. Most flat or low slopping roofs require a cool roof coating; while steep sloping roofs generally are surfaced with a cool roof metal or tile.

Why Stainless Steel Roofs Are a Good Choice

If you are considering different metal roofing options, think about using stainless steel. This article will tell you more about what stainless steel roofs and why they may be a good choice for you.

[Page Title] - Roofer911

Gaining more and more popularity these days, metal roofing has become one of the top favorites for homeowners when it comes to choosing the best materials for their home. Whether for new construction, renovation, repair, or replacement; one can never go wrong in choosing this sturdy material for thei roofing systems.

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