Pages about: EPDM Roofing

Best techniques for Roof Repairing and Constructing

There are many products that are currently used for roof repairing purpose like liquid roof, roof repair coatings. Liquid EPDM, liquid rubber, etc. all these terminologies can help us reduce cost.

Commercial Roof Repair -

If your commercial roof is encountered with the roof leaks then the best option is to repair your roof with EPDM coatings. Save thousands on normal roofs installations.

EPDM Coatings -

EPDM is an extremely robust material, is extremely resilient to puncture or penetration, is not affected by atmospheric pollution, UV light, ozone or acid rain and does not degrade.

EPDM Rubber Roof Repair -

Often made from recycled materials, a rubber roof is low in maintenance and is especially resistant to hail and fire. They're able to withstand extreme outdoor temperatures and have a longer lifespan.

The Benefits of a Green Roof -

What are the benefits of a green roof and why should you even consider one? Find out here as we discuss the impact that a green roof can have on your wallet and your environment.

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