Pages about: aluminum roof coating

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Flat Roof

While flat roofs work well for some areas of the country, they may not work well for others. There are also distinct advantages and disadvantages for this type of roofing system.

Should I have aluminum roof coating?

An aluminum roof coating is perfectly waterproof and because of how malleable the material is it can be bent to form the require overhang in areas that you want it.

The Benefits of a Green Roof -

What are the benefits of a green roof and why should you even consider one? Find out here as we discuss the impact that a green roof can have on your wallet and your environment.

Using reflective roofing materials.

If your roof collects heat without reflecting any then your home will get incredibly hot during the summer months meaning you will have to pay more for energy bills.

When to Install a Slanted Roof vs. a Flat Roof

When building new, there are different roofing options available. Knowing whether to choose a slanted roof or a flat roof can make all the difference in the structure and integrity of the building.

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